
From The Steelshard Series
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An incomplete list of all characters that exist in the first book of the SteelShard series


There are two main protagnoists in the SteelShard series, each going through their own transformation.

Tinor Stryke[edit]

Tinor Stryke is the last remaining member of the Stryke household and has become thus due to the constant emergence of Prophets in his family.

  • Father: Alocious(died when Tinor was 12)
  • Mother: Baenis (died when Tinor was 12)
  • Sister: Carys (died when Tinor was 17)
  • Mother's side grandmother: Unkae (died when Tinor was 5)
  • Mother's side grandfather: Unknown (some derelict, who had fun with Unkae and left her to fend for herself with a child on the way)
  • Father's side grandmother: Greta (died in Sturm after a direwolf attack)
  • Father's side grandfather: Tismon (died in Sturm after a direwolf attack)
  • Jez: A browncoat mare

Family and Early Life[edit]

Tinor was born into a loving household. His father was a successful architect and his mother a respected baker (if you didn't respect her baking, she would show you what respect meant with a rolling pin!). He had one sibling - Carys - who was five years younger than him. His parents considered Carys a miracle, as after Tinor was born, his mother Baenis bled for five days and nights and almost died. In his early life, Tinor had a difficult time accepting authority and was often scolded by his parents, but never overly much. Tinor would spend hours with his grandmother Unkae and would pretend to read various tomes, while she explained the stories about the days of old, when demons ruled Jord and a single special person won the day and beat them back to darkness. His grandmother was a believer of the alternate history of Jord and not the ones they taught in the Chapels of Light.

When he was about five years old, he was playing in his grandmothers den, when he saw her first spasm. It looked merely as a break in the conversation about the blade of light the Creator wielded and in a few moments, she continued telling the story as if nothing happened. He thought nothing of it, until it happened again and again, each time stronger. He kept it a secret for long as he could, but one time, when his family gathered, she went into a full fit, thrashing on the floor and mumbling out words. The next day his father Alocious took her to Renar and Tinor never saw her again. He later learned that she was taken to Moonguard, where, after a short statement, she was laid to rest peacefully.

Tinor became more recluse after his grandmother died, shunning away his friends. He took a young mare, named Jez and rode around their home, near the city of Lent, watching the gladiators fight in the arena, pushing away the Veil. One time, he ran away from home and travelled west, towards the Veil. His mare suddenly stopped, but Tinor urged her on, tears in his eyes, and a heart that did not know what it wanted. Jez threw him off and Tinor lost consciousness after he landed on some roots and hit his head against them. He woke up to a loud whinnying as Jez jumped around him and stomped at the floor, fighting back tendrils of smoke. Tinor recognized the Veil, but he didn't couldn't move. Suddenly, like a gust of wind, he felt something push against the Veil and both he and Jez were safe. When he got back, he learned that there had been a fight earlier that day and the gathered Red had pushed the Veil back. After the incident Tinor's father Alocious kept a tighter reign on Tinor, making him learn to read, so he can become an architect like himself.

A few years later his mother started displaying the same types of spasms like Unkae. Tinor's world shattered, but that was nothing compared to what his father went through. Alocious aged years in a matter of days, his mind started unraveling. The clients started pestering the household daily, but Alocious wouldn't let anyone near his precious wife. All the time, Baenis was comforting and trying to help him to let her go, that the Creator was calling her to do greater things, but he couldn't. One day, Baenis's muscles started to swell and become more powerful. The pain was gruesome and his father snapped. Tinor found him in a closet, ears scratched to bloody rags, to push out Baenis's wails of pain. Tinor took Carys and ran to get the doctor, who amputated the arm. As he did, steam, like that from a Redder, started healing the wound. The doctor couldn't amputate in easy blows, but had to take a massive hatched and detach it in one blow. After he went, two man came and took his mother away. Alocious didn't let her take her away until they agreed to take him with her. They left for Moonguard and never returned. Renar took them in and told him that Alocious loved his mother too much and when his heart broke at the site of her death, he decided to go with her. Tinor never forgave him for that. Tinor was twelve at the time.

The next five years Tinor spent at Renar, who was always a close family friend. Renar and Unkae used to argue into the late hours of what religion was actually saying and Tinor would listen in. He looked at Renar as an uncle, although he was nothing more than a good family friend. Renar enjoyed a powerful position as the Ko's Scholar, which granted him a large mansion next to the Ko's castle. Tinor spent the next few years training in the art of war (both on paper and on the battlefield), but would run away frequently and disappear for days. Jez became his only friend (besides Carys) and Renar would often Tinor studying there, talking to his mare. Carys would often run after her little brother and would also befriend Jez. Tinor resented her friendship with Jez, so he often mocked her or pushed her away to find other things to do, but would secretly enjoy every moment when they spent together.

Tinor had suffered two strikes, which pushed him from a fun loving boy, who lived in a fantasy world, to one that fought authority when he could and would shun everyone away. But he still maintained company with Renar, he did his chores and he studied what he needed to. It wasn't until he woke up one day in his shared room with Carys, when he looked upon her face and saw the whites of her eyes and the twitching eyelids. Darkness fell on his eyes and he slumped next to her bed. When Carys snapped out of it, she reached over to Tinor like nothing happened and asked him if he wanted to play. Tinor decided he wouldn't lose another one to a mysterious place such as Moonguard, jumped on Jez and took her into the woods on a pretend game.

Unfortunately for him, Renar was used to Tinor running away and had tracked him to their hideout in the forest and when he saw Tinor's wet eyes, and the guilt ridden glances he gave towards Carys that he knew what has happened. Renar hugged Tinor and promised him that he would be taken care for, but Carys's fate is much more than theirs combined. It was the first time he told Tinor that he was there when each of his family members died and how it was and how they loved him. Tinor pleaded that he should not take her away, but in the end he did. He locked Tinor in his room as he did so, but Tinor escaped and started riding towards Moonguard, dressed in his father's finest armor...


Tinor was a youth of 17 years, with light blue eyes and a pale, greyish complection. His hair was dark brown and slicked back most of the time. He was approximately 6'1" high, and was a sizeable child before he grew up. He now bore a slender frame, with a few developing muscles, that would need more nurturing. His sheltered and secluded life saved his body from any major marks. He acts before he speaks, which proves troublesome more often than not. After his grandmother died, he decided being busy is better than feeling bad, so he likes to be constantly on the move, either travelling or doing something.


When Tinor was given birth, the local Pater confirmed both him and Carys as Drabs. Their parents were relieved, as they did not want their offspring to fight against the Veil, but wanted better lives for them. But as Tinor plunged the sword in Carys's heart, the power released fixed his Aura Vessels and granted upon him the full power of a Redder. Combined with his broken heart, his apathetic view on the world, the Red found a recipient worth of its full power.

Tinor can create Red on his own or can withdraw Red from others. Because a Prophet's powerful Red created his Aura Vessels, they are much stronger and faster to heal than most other Redders, so he is incredibly strong. But with great power, so does his grip on reality wane and often mistake friend for foe.

Tinor's (stages of) grief[edit]

Tinor, when going through the book, goes through the 5 stages of grief (or near enough):

  • Denial and Shock - Tinor goes into apathy when he confronts what he has done and where he is in his life (alone)
  • Anger - gets progressively angrier until the acceptance of unfamiliar power opens any restraint he had
  • Depression - when he fails and endangers everyone in Kieb
  • SKIPPED Bargaining - SKIPPED
  • Acceptance - when he accepts who he is and what he’s done and achieves Unity
  • Hope - after they beat the final boss

Throughout the book, people keep asking Tinor if he feels ok and try to console him and he flares at them using the appropriate response, based on the stage he’s in at that moment.

Amaris (Threetear) Truséle[edit]

Amaris is the threetearer that has gained Aura powers at the death of Carys Stryke. After she gained her freedom in the city of Kieb, she renamed herself from Amaris Threetear to Amaris Truséle, which loosely translated into Amaris, who loves true happiness.

Right To Leave Free[edit]

Gained in Kieb, when they were captured. Her tassel is half blue, half red, split down the middle.

Family and Early Life[edit]

Amaris was a rarity in the cold north of Stakhlian, with her olive skin and blue-grey eyes. Her parents were formerly merchants that got shipwrecked and found no love on the shores of Stakhlian when they walked to Sturm. They begged for food and had to resort to stealing milk for their infant daughter. They were quickly caught by Sturm's elite police force and thrown in jail. When they couldn't pay their fine, they each earned one tear on their right shoulder and were sold to the highest bidder. The father, as a merchant was sold to a counting house, the mother, as an unknown and exotic figure, to a stately Night house. Amaris was kept in the orphan's nursery, where she cried, pooped and wailed, waiting for her parents' return.

Amaris was five years old when she was put up for auction. She had earned herself the second tear for services by the orphanage. Her parents were supposed to buy her off, their one tear would only have earned them two years of service and would be given a small stipend when released from bondage, which would allow them to rebuy their daughter, but they never came. Amaris doesn't know if this was because they earned demerits and had been demoted to a lower tear status or that they forgot. At the age of five, entering into true slavery, she didn't care.

Her first master Mistress Exana was an older woman, strict as the whip, but also kind when appropriate. She taught Amaris how to follow orders and how to live (a somewhat happy) life as a slave. The old woman had many other girls serving her and the older tearers already knew the secret signs. Most of them pushed Amaris around, since she was the smallest of the bunch, but one took pity on her and shown her a few of the signs. She showed her the sign for run, danger, safety. Unfortunately the girl who taught her the signs was also a frequent cause to show the sign of danger.

The woman sold Amaris three years later at the age of 8, to a young professional, looking for cheap and effective help. Amaris tried her best to appease the young lord, but he was a cruel master. Every day he returned from work angry at the world and at his superiors and he lashed out at Amaris at every slight he could find. Amaris quickly learned the power of the whip, when her master flogged her oftener than not. She endured his lashes for years, before, at the age of 13, she attempted to run away. Amaris lived a sheltered life and didn't have a plan past escaping. Her master found her that evening and thrashed her toward an inch of her life. The next morning he dragged her by her hair to the nearby learning camp, where she fetched a miserable price due to the state she was in. As he left her on the doorstep and collected his few pieces of silver, he spit on her and left her with words she would never forget, "You filth, you scum, you think you're worth anything? I've got 4 pieces of silver for you, which is 3 gold less that I would get for an old horse." She earned her third tear then.

Amaris's next 5 years were hard at the learning camp. The whip was as often as before, but the amount of work doubled. Amaris learned to switch off during the time of pain and lived when she had a few moments of safety with her fellow slaves. The other tearers, both male and female, at the learning camp were meek and broken and she connected easily with their pain. She tried to help where she can and by the end of her stay at the learning camp, she became proficient in healing, running a household, mathematics, linguistics, history. Few tearers managed to learn as much as Amaris did, so the teachers gave her more leeway, as long as she behaved perfectly and had perfect marks. She left the learning camp at the eve of her 18th birthday and was thrust on a trip towards Moonguard, the objective of the trip yet unknown to her.


Amaris was a young lady at 18 years old, fresh from the learning camp. Her eyes were the color of the sea at dark, a sort of blue gray. Her hair was black and went down to her shoulder blades. She wore it loose, unless she was cleaning, when she would put it up in a bun or a ponytail. Her dark olive skin identified her as a member of the South, which was one of the reasons why she earned multiple lashes on her back, that formed scars. She was a delicate young lady and struggled with physical efforts. She is prone to blushing, crying and being selfish when confident. She is prone to praying to the Creator when she feels threatened. This urge disappears when she is confident in her abilities.


Amaris is the only Blue besides the deceiver Omnis, that currently roams Stakhlian. She attained her power through contact with a dying Carys, when she absorbed half of the power that would normally go into Tinor. Before her contact, she was pronounced as a Drab at the orphanage. She used to meditate a lot and tried to extend her normal senses, by way of focusing and switching the others off. This training was perfect for when she became a Blue and it accelerated her skills very fast.

Now she can meditate to create Blue, withdraw tiny amounts of Blue from Steelshards and use that power to extend her senses and stop the pain she feels. The Blue can also heal if stored in vast amounts, but drains an incredible amount of Aura. She becomes confident, logical and arrogant when under the influence of the Blue.

Amaris's Path to Mental Health[edit]

Amaris had been battered one way or another, but whereas physical wounds heal, the mental persisted. When she grew up, the nuns in the orphanage beat out any child like behaviour out of her fast. She became a diligent slave, but suffered immensely either via peer pressure and abuse or directly by her masters and teachers. To cope, Amaris built a wall around her thoughts and created a persona who only wanted to help others. Only by helping to her at most potential, could she feel safe and feel satisfied. Anytime she felt a selfish wish, she would burn it out of her mind and do something to please her current masters and stay out of trouble. As she excelled as a slave and received compliments from her masters and respect from her fellow slaves she reaffirmed what she knew. To be happy you need to be a good slave. When people are happy because of your actions, you are happy.

When she suffered a sexual attack on the way to Moonguard, she found that her barrier wouldn't work anymore and the constant vision of Aran on her, hurting her and enjoying it, slipped into her mind often. Sleep eluded her, her work slipped and she suffered more and more abuse. Her reaffirmation didn't fit into this new world anymore, where producing joy for others, didn't produce joy for yourself. She wished to find her previous strength, her power as she called it, but fell deeper into depression. When she received her new power, she again became a tool to help, but her world remained shattered. She would no longer believe that brining joy to others would make her happy, so she rebelled against the idea and followed her gut more often. The more she did, the better she felt, despite the consequences.

When she was granted her freedom, she felt that for the first time she can discover who she was and get her happiness that way.

Main Characters[edit]

The Main Characters are those that appear multiple times throughout the book and have substantial dialog or plot impact.

Renar Tamlow[edit]

The Ko's Scholar (advisor to Stakhlian's ruler), member of the The Council of Listeners, father and husband to none, family friend to the Strykes.

Family and Early Life[edit]

Renar was born into money. He wanted nothing throughout his life and was provided every means possible to fulfill his desires. But Renar didn't care for the family trade of war and conquest, he spent his times in books, tomes and stories as a lad. His father had tried repeatedly to shift Renar's focus onto something else, something more tangible than what he called a waste of time and potential. After years of back and forth, his father relented and ensured him to become a ward by the Ko's Scholar Entwin, who steered Renar through his studies. Entwin wasn't a nice man, but he was a fair one. He often gave Renar too much to do, study-wise, so Renar had little time to do anything else. His only vice during his adolescent years was gambling. It was so out of his comfort zone, as he was not a risk taker, that he pushed himself, done the math and honed the skills to beat the house. Hence he had his share of beatings, called cheater and even lost a back tooth in a tavern brawl. When his father got wind of it, he forbade Renar from ever gambling again and Renar acquiesced, although he kept up his skill.

Entwin died a few years later and with no other apparant heir, Renar became the youngest Ko's Scholar in recent history. Renar took his new duty with great vigor and worked day and night. The Ko was impressed by Renar's advice and they both prospered. As the kingdom prospered under the Ko and Renar as advisor, the duties that Renar had waned. He began to go on scholarly trips in his free time, escorted by the Ko's elite guard and became once again enamored by the alternate faith - the one that had demons, witches, and where the Creator was a man - a powerful one - but a man none the less. He joined the Council of Listeners and was once again one of the youngest members to serve on the council at the age of 32. On his first trip to Moonguard, he traveled with Alocious Stryke and the two became fast friends. Alocious went to help stave off Moonguard's destruction, while Renar joined his fellow listeners to hear the Whispers.

The books, tomes, trips began to wear on Renar, with no one to be at his side. His obsession with the obscure alienated most other scholars, as they distanced themselves from what they saw as a self-destructing man. But until Renar stopped brining prosper to Stakhlian via his post as the Ko's Scholar, he was untouchable and could do as he pleased. One time, when travelling through the town of Siev, he crossed the slave market by chance. In a cage he saw a young girl, about 20 years of age, leered at by several dirty men, whose intentions were far from coy. Renar had to save the girl, not knowing who she was, what has she done or what was her tearer profession. He never even had a slave, let alone a bed slave, which was what Alia had been trained to do and did ever since her first moonblood at 13. He learned that Alia had been a twotearer until recently, getting her third tear from forcefully emasculating one of her patrons.

Renar found Alia sharp as a with and freed her within days of purchasing her. However, Stakhlian's laws could not allow a threetearer to be freed, by anyone else than the Ko himself, so Alia was free in everything but paper. She kept herself close to Renar, so no one would dare call her a slave again. The two studied together and fell in love. Alia distanced the last friends Renar had, all but the Stryke's, who were aliens themselves after the grandmother died from the Whispers. As most of the Stryke's perished, Renar took in Carys and Tinor and treated them as his own. He would never have childs with Alia, because when they would be born by a slave, they would bear that slaves marks for ever.


Renar was fifty years old and the age shown through the creaeses on his face and the white on his hair and beard. He wasn't especially tall at 5'9", but he often wore padded coats that made him look more powerful than he actually was. He normally carried around a few books, somewhere about his person or horse, and quoted various quotes when the opportunity presented himself. He had money from his father, and made more on his own as the Ko's Scholar, but he gave it away to charity. He is always on guard, always working and needs to be coaxed to relax. Until Alia, that hadn't happened all that often.

Alia Twotear[edit]

Renar's compaion, twotearer, bed slave.


Alia’s was a plain yellow, with an black embroidered dove

Family and Early Life[edit]

Alia was born as twotearer, the duties of slavery thrust upon her by her parents' selfish choice to have her. Her mother was beautiful once (disfigured now), so Alia was immediately sold to a Night House at the age of 3, when she was weaned off her mother's breast. She immediately began training on how to be a bed slave, for that was her destiny, as a three tearer may never be free. She watched how men and women had love, sometimes it was messy, sometimes gruesome, sometimes beautiful. She decided that she wants to always keep it beautiful and less messy, less dangerous. She chose the man, who purchased her first time, who she seen multiple times being gentle and caressing. When they got together, he was nothing like that and it left scratches and bruises all over her. He said he felt cheated paying so much for a simple whore.

She learned from her first time and unfortunately from the fifty times it happened again with others. She started to dwell and fear her next customer until a roaming Pater told her that the way to cope is to keep busy with other things. Alia opened up a small corner in the Night House, where she did hair, make up and everything else. She hoped that she wouldn't be seen as a Night Lady and this way she passed the time, talking and doing hair. It worked a little and she had less traffic and much less free time. When she turned 17 she was granted the ability to turn up to two customers down a day, if she didn't want to bed them. This made her life even easier and the bedding... wasn't so bad for a while. That was until she turned 20, when she entered the section where young and old may call upon her services (prior to this, only men and women up to 25 years may use her services). An old veteran started hitting her, so she became defensive and grabbed a knife and earned a place in the tearer market, where Renar picked her up. She traveled with Renar for 10 years until his death en route home from Moonguard.


Alia's body had filled the role she was thrust in. Her face portrayed a woman younger than 30, with its perky nose and full lips. Her cheekbones were full and often tastefully colored with rouge. Her body flowed like a winding river and gave her curves where a lady of her profession most needed them. She wasn't as skinny as some of the girls, but she was far from one of those heavier women, which worked in specialized night houses. Her hair was always combed and styled and her clothes always gave an idea of something more, while obscuring the most important parts.

Onick Steinhart[edit]

Tassel: Dark blue with a white sword

Family and Early Life[edit]

Onick was brought up to be a warrior since before he knew. When the local Pater told his parents that he was a Redder and a powerful one at that, the mother wasted no time and acquired a war coach. Since he could stand, she shoved a weapon in Onick's hand and armor around his little shoulders. Onick quickly learned that he needed to be excellent to please his overbearing mother and he didn't disappoint. At the age of 5 he could already beat a lot of older boys and girls without accessing his powers. At the age of 10, he gripped a normal length sword and won tournaments. His mother was always there, urged him on to become better. He was the one that would bring the family out of poverty and into fame. Onick first lost control at 16 years old at a tournament, which was meant for older, experienced fighters. He drew in so much Aura, that he killed the other veteran and he had to be restrained before doing more. Killing someone, even in the Red Rage, meant that he was banned from further tournaments for the next 3 years.

His mother took it a sign he needed more instructions, so she took him to an old weapons master, known for his cruelty and distaste for Redders. The old man tortured Onick until he lost control. At that point he told Onick he needed to restrain himself, or he would do it for him. Onick charged, but the old man used an obsidian trap that damaged and hurt Onick greatly each time. Due to the Red Rage, Onick fell for the same trap over and over until he developed his own method of releasing tension and reasserting control. He thrust a dagger into his forearm and waited for enough steam to escape the wound until he could control his actions once more. Onick returned to his mother a changed man, after 3 years of constant torture and training. When he saw his mother he felt hate instead of love, but respect remained.

When he was gone, his mother spread the word of Onick the Brave, Onick the Stout, Onick the Warrior. She and Onick then put up a table at the town center of their hometown of Jeweling and recruited a few mercenaries for Onick's first expedition at 19 years of age. Onick returned victorious from it and had enough treasure to last a lifetime. He threw the treasure at his mother's feet and told her he's never returning here again. Instead he's going to serve in the Ko's vanguard as the spear head and gain glory. Onick went on to achieve many glories, mount several expeditions and was the most decorated and celebrated Redder in all of Stakhlian.

Onick's Victories[edit]

  • led the vanguard against the Mountain tribes of the East, quelling dissent among the populace
  • fought back the veil at several locations and establishing new footholds until other Redders arrived
  • traveled to the pirate island of Sykras, where he killed them all and took all the treasure
  • found the ancient frozen ruins, which Paters say belonged to the Creator himself when he lived there
  • fought off the warriors of Byram

any many others...

Onick's Nicknames[edit]

He makes up a lot of these :)

  • Onick the Trustworthy
  • Onick the Huntsman
  • Onick the Miracle
  • Onick the Warlord
  • Onick the Pit Fighter
  • Onick the Wall
  • Onick the Enduring: Once he had lied in ambush for over two days and watched over the enemy movements, waiting for the majority of his forces to swing around. Then Onick and his men attacked at precisely the same time, encircling the enemy and achieving a glorious victory
  • Onick the Bloody slaying a hundred man and bathing in their blood
  • Onick the Handsome winning the hearts of five princesses at once
  • Onick the Merciful distributing gold to the poor
  • Onick the Relentless
  • Conquerer of the Seven Hills
  • Personal advisor to the Ko


Onick was an extremely powerful Redder that was renowned for having control when most would not.


Onick is 32 years old, but looks like a man in his prime. His brown hair, styled neatly into a warriors braid and shaved at the side, still shines as gold when illuminated in the sun, despite being drenched in blood many times in his lifetime. He stands tall at 6'5" and has the muscles to make anyone regret their words or actions. His face is handsome and powerful and his person is kept neat at all times. His taned skin, from the adventures, is clearn and shows no scars, except for the self inflicted scars he does to his left hand. He is rash and follows the warrior's life to a fault.

Spook / Omnis / Ismon[edit]

Early Life[edit]

When he was born, his parents adorned him with the name of Ismon, which in the old language meant the Truth-teller. His family was ordinary, father fisherman, mother seamstress and his three sisters all working in the nearby mill. Ismon decided he would be someone that his parents would be proud of and went into his father's business of fishing. Ismon got married, had two children and settled on a nice coast on the west of Stakhlian. One day, one of his boys got sick and began displaying strange symptoms. His muscles would bulge, then deflate with steam rushing from wounds. He would cry from the noise he heard from 10 leagues away. He regularly went into spasms, which sometime took a few seconds, sometimes a few hours. Just before he died, he said a strange sentence - it was strange because he hadn't spoke for weeks, and for the content. The nature is dying. We must act!. Ismon couldn't take it anymore and plunged a dagger into his heart, thus releasing the boy from the pain. Since that day, Ismon became a Blue and would use this to become a great fisherman. But his heart never truly healed.

He became obsessed with finding what happened to his boy. He used his new powers to become a powerful shardian and create more and more powerful shards. His soul became corrupt as he tried to find his son's fate and in his madness he killed his family to create an exShard that could see in the past, present and future. He used it and instead of seeing what had happened, he saw what will. The Veil would approach and kill everything in sight. When he was done, the exShard fell apart and he was left in the middle of a bloody mess.

He created for exShard machines that would give him more time, and set them up in the town of Kieb. When he was done he took upon him the name of Omnis, which meant the deceiver and secluded himself, wandering and thinking. The Blue kept him alive for an unnatural long time, as he meditated most days and constantly used it. His mind started fabricating memories. He knew that something was going on with the veil and that he was searching for a son. His mind combined the two and Omnis began finding a way into the Veil, which crept on the continent of Stakhlian over the many years since he had been away (his hometown completely lost inside).

He started traveling to far away places, listened to stories, legends until one caught his eye. The Legend of the Titan. He saw what needed to be done, but didn't have the means to do it. Getting a titan to rise required incredible amounts of Aura and there was only a few places like that in Stakhlian. He chose Kieb, where he infiltrated as an aura healer (he used Blue to help) and hatched hos plan. He amassed a lot of wealth through healing and he used it to pay for mercenaries (like Fem and Sim) to do his dirty work.


Omnis is a powerful Blue, gained when he killed his son in mercy. He has honed that power over the centuries and it has offered him very slow aging. To have accomplished a longer life, Omnis had to keep a near constant charge onin him, even while sleeping. He is the most powerful Blue around and has the following abilities:

  • Extremely slow aging
  • A barrier around, but not above, himself
  • Super senses
  • Healing
  • Increased strength



Spook was a mangy sailor, who shipwrecked at Kieb and never left. His gapped tooth smile showed evidence of a long time at sea, his creased and weather skin confirming just that. The hump that arched his back showed signs of an injury, not fully healed. He constantly wore the same smelly clothes, sang the same dirty songs, but above all he was a healer to everyone who came calling. His price was nothing or what you can afford, and many could afford a lot.


Omnis was competely different from Spook. His deformed body gone, perfection replacing it in stride. His features looked innocent, but if you looked closely enough, his brows, sneer, nose, all showed the madness that hid beneath Omnis's Veil of the mind. The biggest transformation were his blue eyes, blue and wide at first, but narrow and pale when the madness took him. He was powerful and his burned blue constantly to prevent his body from aging and to be aware of his surroundings. He was paranoid, delusional and above all mad.

Sim & Fem[edit]

Sim and Fem are mercenaries that have a similar appearance, but are not related by blood. They share a similar amount of greed, but the end motives of why they are who they are, are different.

Early life[edit]

Sim and Fem grew up together in a bandit camp, just next to the Great Steppes. They were torn from their families and learned that hate, revenge, violence was always the answer. They banded together to protect themselves against adults who often tortured them and pushed them around. Fem always followed Sim's great ideas, which weren't that great most of the time, just ended leaving them in trouble. But Sim always protected Fem and wasn't like one of those leaders who would abandon his troops at the signs of defeat. Sim also noticed Fem's hunger for pain and blood and guided him on how to release that tension. Sim's discovery was made when he woke one night and saw Fem silently slicing a man's, their teacher (another captive), neck. He watched in silence as Sim looked into the throat and started cutting away little pieces and examining how they work. After a while, he grabbed Fem and the teacher and dumped him outside. He also made the neck injury look like a wild animal tore him up. Sim and Fem trained in the way of the sword on their own. It was Fem's idea, which he insisted on and wouldn't be swayed, was that they would allow each other cuts on the body, to decorate them.

One day, a bandit flung a dim SteelShard at Sim, who immediately swallowed the Aura like a glass of water. The bandit noticed it and brought him to the leader, who took it upon himself to personally train him. Sim insisted Fem should be trained as well, despite him being a Drab. They trained and Sim learned how intoxicating power over others is, when he followed the captain as he maliciously treated his underlings. He tried that once himself and got beaten to an inch of his life by the captain himself. He wasn't allowed any Aura for months after that and was expected to heal and train on his own.

When they were 18, they were given a task of their own. Bring in 50 gold pieces and become full fledged members - that or dying. It took them 6 months to accomplish that, and they sat in the rain beside an road, waiting, robbing and getting drenched. Sim didn't allow them to spend any money, he just wanted to get back and attain some power at the camp. Fem took long strolls through the woods and brought back animals, each time, another piece was cut open and examined thoroughly. Sim didn't mind, as long as he wasn't the one being cut at. When they returned to the camp, the old leader shunned them, which caused Sim to break into outrage. He accumulated quite a few SteelShards during his robberies and he used them all in one go and killed his former captain. The others, not being Redders or Scarlets, had no other choice but to bow down. Their submission wasn't bad - Sim led them to a prosperous time, until an ambush gone wrong, made him and Fem the only two survivors.


The only one with Power is Sim, who is a Scarlet. Fem still works on exShards, but is unable to do any intricate work, because he cannot see the fault lines.



Sim was 33 years old, had good long hair, that he took care off and usually braided. The sides of his head were shaved in various patterns. His eyes were grey and cold, and were the only item on his face that showed the darkness of his soul. His facial hair was gone, except for a magnificent moustache, and together with a flat nose, he looked like someone you'd meet at the bar for a drink and not someone that would skewer you cold for a few pieces of copper or information. He was muscular and only his chest was full of scars - the rest of his body untouched by a sword.


Fem was the same age as Sim, his hair was black and wildly out of control. Even an exShard scissor couldn't cut Fem's thick and wild hair. His beard was long and pointed in all directions, his moustache nearly obscuring his entire lips. His nose was flat and eyes brown. Like Sim, he had scars down his chest, but unlike him, he also had them down his arms, legs, neck and face.


Anna / Madam La Fey[edit]

tassel: Dark red, with dragon runes

Early life and Family[edit]

Anna was a scrapper. No trick was deemed too dirty to use, no reason was found not to fight. Since she was a kid, roaming the streets of Kieb, she got from fight to fight. A Pater identified her early on as a Scarlet, so she took advantage of every second moon, when the Arena guard would bring a few charged SteelShards to gift Aura to the poorest Redders out there. She was too poor and too rambunctious to get training, so she left Kieb in search of fights. Glory wasn't on her mind when she joined a, then unknown mercenary band, lead by Onick the Red. They won great victories together and grown quite close. But at the eve of one battle, Onick saw it as too dangerous and wanted to skip the fight. Anna took extreme offense and took a few of the men and attacked the garrison anyway. She counted that Onick's feelings for her would propel him into action and it did. They attacked, won, but took many casualties. It was then, on the evening of that battle, that they almost came together as man and woman, but Onick flinched at the last second, remembering how Anna almost cost them all their lives. He wanted to discuss it, but Anna took it as a sign of rejection, so she left their meeting and the mercenary band next morning.

She returned a seasoned fighter, but still quite young at 28. She was still chagrined by Onick's refusal and decided to give herself the biggest challenge of her life. Her pockets and exShard armor full of charged SteelShards, she marched to the sovereign of Kieb (Dom) and challenged him to a duel. Dom was an old man, but he was a full Redder. He didn't want to accept her challenge like that, so he gave her an even bigger challenge. Anna would have to beat, but not kill, all the active gladiators in Kieb, starting with the lowest ranking one and progressing further. Anna didn't have to take up that challenge, as the challenge she gave to Dom was fair enough, as she was a native Kiebian, but she accepted anyway. The fight took nearly two days and by the end of the last fight, she had to rely on skill, as all her SteelShards were out of Aura. She won spectacularly, so Dom stood aside, but stayed on for a few years as an aid.

Anna was reckless in the throne room and on the legal floor, where she accepted deals that would benefit her selfish needs, but she was extremely powerful and at the end, did many good and respected things in Kieb.

Marriage Contract[edit]

Married to

  • Elisa - 5 year contract
  • Jonax - 3 year contract

Lover to

  • Euron - contract can be broken whenever, maximum of one lover


Anna is a powerful Scarlet, often drawing a lot of Aura in at once.


Anna was a woman in her prime. She was blessed with a lean, strong body, and a face that hid her age extremely well. She could go on to win beauty pageants, but decided her Scarlet side was more important. She usually dressed scantily, which threw most men off guard and gave her the element of surprise. She was bisexual and flaunted it openly. She wouldn't stand anyone challenging her and has taken a fair share of Rights from people and never given it back. She wore them in her hair most of the time and was eager to grab more.

Bri Fourtear[edit]

Tassel: Green, plain

Early life and Family[edit]

Bri is and always will be, a rebel. Her station, as a four tear slave, was down to willful disrespect of authority and because she never allowed anyone, that she didn't respect, give her orders. Her life was plain and she was set to marry a wealthy and young merchant that her father wanted to bring to the family. But Bri didn't like the plan. She didn't want to marry for gain, she would marry as all other women do - for love. She rebelled against her father, but after a long talk she agreed to at least meet the merchant. She didn't expect that she'd have fun on the date, but she did. After a nice meal, he then took her to an alley, where he wanted more but Bri wouldn't let him. She grabbed a knife she always carried and slashed his face. The young merchant ran away and came back a day later with guards. His demand for compensation was so high that Bri was forced into one tear slavery to the same man until her debt was repaid. When she made the same scar on his other cheek this time, the man branded her with a second tear and sold her on.

Thus her station dropped and would continue to drop until it could go no further. When her last master, a wandering fool, that paid coppers for Bri, had lost a finger when he tried to touch her, the local guard took her away and sent her to the mines in the Desolace. They passed Kieb without stopping, when Bri took advantage and jumped into the water. But she was too far and nearly drowned if it wasn't for Aresh Longbow who picked her up. He took one look at her right shoulder and knew her story. He took her in and clothed her, then took her to the Madam of Kieb. She impressed Anna with her tenacity and gumption so she freed her, but gave her a job to pay off her freedom. She was given a spear and 5 years in the guard. Bri excelled at her new job and since the first day none would touch her. She remained good friends with Aresh until his death.

Bri learned she is a Scarlet when she helped Aresh use the cash register in his shop, and a customer paid with a SteelShard instead of denari.


Bri is a Scarlet.


Bri is a young 21 year old woman, that has gone through a lot of hardship. She has been flogged to an inch of her life many times and has the scars running down most of her body (except her face - she could still be used for Night Ladies). Her dark black hair was short and never obscured her vision - practical and still stylish (the latter due to Aresh's influence). She was a tall person, but that only accentuated her petite figure, which most understood to be a non-threatening person - that changed quickly when she drew some power from SteelShards. She always wore her brown uniform and twin swords strapped at her hip.

Aresh Longbow[edit]

Tassel: White with gold trims

Family and Early Life[edit]

Aresh was down on his luck. Ever since he was a child, he wanted to become a tailor like his father, but Kieb simply didn't need another Tailor. His father's business was failing and it was up to a young Aresh to bring food on the table. He joined the guard full time and brought back enough money back to sustain his family, his father and mother. Most evenings or when he was on guard, Aresh had a small roll of paper with him and sketched various clothing items. He appreciated the female form and wanted to help them express it adequately. He didn't care if the woman was thin or fat, small or tall, curvaceous or flat, Aresh could find a design that would fit all of them. He learned to enjoy his new position as guard too and after a few years serving, he decided this is something he wants to continue to do, even if he manages to open a tailor shop of his own.

One day, he served under Anna and he impressed her with his battle. He wasn't a Redder nor a Scarlet, but he managed to defeat a Scarlet nonetheless. This was also the first time he spoke to Anna and before he left, Anna saw a piece of paper sticking out from a pocket and demanded to see it. It was a picture of one of the more revealing items Aresh made and he handed it over grudgingly. Anna loved the design and told Aresh to make it or find someone who could. Aresh made that and countless more, but he only went part time from guard duty, as did a lot of men and women in Kieb. He and his father opened up their old workshop Tailor's End and Aresh became lead designer, while his father made the clothes while Aresh was on duty. Aresh soon branched and started making stylish armor pieces, employing a talented blacksmith to make it.

Aresh never married, citing that his work will always be the priority in his life, but he also hadn't found anyone that would meet his requirements.


Aresh was a man that had strength, but also carried quite a bit of fat. He had a long nose and eyes a bit too far apart to be called handsome. His clothes were always normal, but with a few stylish addendums, which made him the center of ridicule at first. His goatee was there to move the attention away from his bald head, which wasn't shaved, it was completely devoid of any hair. He often leered at women, which was misconstrued by anyone not knowing who he was and why he did it.


Direwolves are the ancient watchers, the freed guards from the ancient demons. Over the ages, man has killed as many as they could find and crusades were held against them. The direwolves retreated to a harsh place in the North of Stakhlian, which was harsh and barren. The direwolves have a greater intelligence, extremely long lifespan (~500 years) and communicate in a unique way - by telepathy. But their telepathy isn't simply hearing voices in your head, your other senses react to the telepathy as well. Here are a few examples:

  • like a sudden lightning strike on a clear day
  • Like a falling leaf in autumn
  • like a receding tide
  • like a single grass stalk flying through the air
  • like the dust on tomes, fell on

The direwolves have had raids on human settlements recently, due to their Alpha's (Xeanous) will, as his vision's enticed him to do so. This decimated the ranks of direwolves again and many lost faith in their Alpha. Alpha's are the only direwolves allowed to meddle with the Aura and thus wear a special collar, which is like intricate silver leaves bound together in rows. The Alpha's collar holds blue Aura only and can hold a lot of it. Due to it being blue, it is incredibly hard to generate it, so Alpha's spend a long time meditating to recharge it.


Xeanous is the Alpha of the Direwolf Den, and has been due to his strength and superior mind. Lately, Xeanous used his Alpha's collar too much and began to see visions that he couldn't understand. The world broke apart, like in the old stories the direwolves still talked about, when the demons were still alive. He saw unnaturally large fangs and fire and he needed to search for answers. He ordered raids on human settlements and when he found no information in the lesser cities, he turned brash and attacked sturm. There he interrogated a few of the leading philosophers, but none helped - they covered due to the unnease they felt when his voice entered. In his dire need, he turned towards Xiitri, the ice tree, which he entered.

Xeanous in his last ditch effort sends his story to the most powerful Redder he can find - Tinor.


Zeenaxis is the brother to the Alpha, who was weaker in strength and wit. He didn't understand Xenous's efforts and visions, but he was loyal to his brother and to his Alpha. He defended Xeanous on multiple occassions, getting wounded many time in the process. Just before Xeanous left for Xiitri, he gave Zee his Alpha's collar, fully charge, which made Zee the effective Alpha. Zee wasn't as good as Xeanous to charge it, so his grasp on power was tenuous at best. Zee wasn't sure if he could hold on to power, as the Blue runs out, but he would try to hold his brother's place until he returns with the answers he seeks. Zee is straight to the point, discarding philosophy and doesnt like humans at all. Following Tinor around like a dog made him sick to his stomach and until he got to know him, he struggled if he should even continue with his mission. Xeanous didn't leave him any instructions on what to do, so Zee aws constantly questioning himself if what he's doing is correct.


The most powerful wolf besides Xeanous that is vying for power.

Side Characters[edit]


Riaffa was stunning. She wore no face paint, but her skin was radiant and outshone even the prettiest girl. Her blue eyes emanated warmth and comfort, but Amaris saw a razor sharp edge hidden beneath the surface. And the way she said the word dame left nothing to chance. She was in charge. Riaffa pulled on her braid


A four-tearer that escaped slavery alongside Bri. Her oldest friend.

ExShard master Meeb[edit]

The master had a squid-like beard that had seen better days and a worn green robe. The hair that managed to resist the test of time was bound together into a long ponytail that almost reached the floor.

from kieb

aura red

Aran Finstarnessi[edit]

Anar was a bedraggled man with small cold eyes. He wore the customary guard tunic, but he took no pride in his job. His tunic was soiled from food and drink, his steel armor rusted or missing. He had a greatsword strapped to his back, but looking at the weapon, Tinor judged it has been a long time since it was pulled from its sheath.

Kraya Wik[edit]

Bron Amateras[edit]

Emrit One-Tear[edit]

the slave that reports amaris for stealing a cloak

Comparison of Main Characters[edit]

Characteristic Tinor Amaris Onick Renar Alia Spook Omnis
Age 17 18 32 50 30 79 Unknown
Eye Color Light Blue Blue-grey Deep Blue Brown Hazel Black Blue
Hair Color & style Dark brown, a few cm long, slicked back Black, down to shoulderblades, free flowing, unless someone else makes it for her Brown, shaved at the sides, a braid went down to his rear Black with white strands, short Red Black, thick, uncombed Black, thick, combed
Skin Color Pale, greyish Dark olive Taned pale, weathered Pale Skin Tanned, weathered Tanned
Facial Description Tinor's brow was creased well beyond his years. His light blue eyes penetrated you like you didn't even exist. The tiny creases next to his eyes revealed a large sorrow that befelled him and gripped him for years. His mouth were often in a line, unmoving, tight. His dark brown hair were almost always slicked back, which exposed his face and the sorrow it bore even more. Amaris's face was beautifuly plain, the kind that would make you appreciate it more the more you thought about it. Her chin and nose were slight and only a small scar underneath her chin distorted her perfect skin. The dark olive skin accentuated her large blue-grey eyes and thick eyelashes. Her hair was normally loose, but a small fringe sometime appeared, which covered her brow and gave her an incredibly inquisitive face His jaw could cut mountains, his nose, the stuff of legends. His eyes were hawkish, always observing, always on guard. His eyebrows thick and expressive and his cheeks had creases from smiles and frowns. His beard was neatly shaved every day and no scars rested on the warrior's face The skin around his eyes and brow was creased, as if Renar had spent a lifetime gazing at small texts under candle light. He had a neatly trimmed, medium length beard, that obscured most of his facial features. He had a wide nose, and the root of the nose almost always carried the impression from worn glasses Her perky nose and full lips create an atmosphere where the young and inexperienced meets the woman that has heard many secrets under the sheets. The lips are often colored in stark contrast to the rest of the face, bringing attention to them. Her eyebrows neat and plucked, her eye lashes dark and long. Her brown hazel eyes inviting and willing to try everything. The hair styled for different opportunities, never disappoints The gapped teeth was the first thing you noticed. After that it was the hair, the million creases all over his face and the constant smile.. Or was that forwn on his face Omnis's face was slick as night. His features shrouded the madness that hid within his mind, the open, broad eyes, that only showed their nature when the brows scrunched togethered. His lips were of plain colored and not to big, but as he sneered and revealed his perfect smile, you could see the lunacy behind his actions
Height 183cm 166cm 196 175 159 160 190
Build A chunky child, now a slender frame with a few inklings of muscles that have not had the time or patience to develop Delicate/petite build, little physical strength to carry, or even the build to withstand it. Her breasts were small and her rear flat. Her hips widened and gave her body the only curve it had Muscular normal sensuous body with many curves muscular, although deformed Muscular
Distinct markings None Small scar underneath her chin, when a master kicked her for spilling a drink, scars down her back, three tears on her right shoulder scars on his left arm, none anywhere else none two tears on her right shoulder none None
Place of Birth Lent, Western Stakhlian Unknown, The South Jewelling Chromium Sturm Unknown Unknown
Last known residence Renar's Mansion, Chromium Learning Camp, Gaer unknown Chromium Chromium Kieb Kieb
Family Members None living Unknown, Mother and Father possibly alive, no siblings Living mother, father None by blood, Tinor, Alia Father and mother living but unknown where None None
Station Freeman ThreeTearer (Freed) Warlord Ko's Scholar Twotearer (Freed) Freeman, healer Freeman
Quirks - actions Rash to act, detached from emotion, relies on logic where his apathy doesn't over rule him. Keeps busy looks at the ground, blushes a lot, cries Rash, fair to a point, laughs deeply, resorts to conflict to settle disputes overly cautions, constantly checking and on guard gets mad if renar is too long away from here, braids hair when nervous (often painfully) eager to hit Doesn't abide anyone touching him
Quirks - speech None calls all freemen and women m'lady, sir, never tries to offend people refers to himself as Onick the… (always 3rd person) often cites old quotes from dusty tomes says no at end of sentences sailor terms Perfect grammar
Achievements None Graduate of the Learning Camp Warlord and victor of many battle Ko's Scholar, Lord Listener Accomplished bed slave Master Healer Unknown
Martial Arts Studied the art of the sword, but never achieved much None All Basic training in weapons None None Unknown
Scholastic Arts Studied war and tactics, but achieved little or none Mathematics, Household, Linguistic, History, Healing Art of War Master of all None None Unknown

Comparison - Side Characters[edit]

Characteristic Sim Fem Bri Anna Aresh Carys
Age 33 33 21 37 42 12
Eye Color grey black Green flowing from green to yellow to blue Brown Pale blue
Hair Color & style Black, braids Black, uncontrolled Dark black hair, shoulder length Blond hair, shaved on one side of the head, the rest flowing freely on the other side. Various colored Rights were tied in her hair as strands. Bald blond, shoulder height
Skin Color Brown Brown Normal Normal Tanned, weathered Pale
Facial Description His hair was immaculately done - braids, combed, neat. The same went for his beard, shaved neatly to the skin. The only facial hair that Sim had was his moustache, that curled luxuriously upward at the tips and covered his entire upper lip. His nose was wide and flat, his eyes cold and grey. He didn't have a lot of facial expression and had a difficult time showing anything but disdain. The hair was what identified Fem from a long way off, black, uncontrolled, pointing in all the four directions of the wind. Where his face was uncovered by any facial hair, his skin was decorated in various tribal patterns, usually black, but sometimes red from blood. He gave an untidy appearance and the wild look he normally had was normal compared to the eerie look when he wanted to see how peopled 'ticket'. His nose was flat and his eyes, apart from their color, similar to Sim's. The scars ended on her neck - they never reached her smooth, young skin. Her eyes were narrow, sharp, defiant. Her nose small, slightly to the left, due to an injury. Her hair was cut short at her shoulders and a twin braids each from one side of the head tied it back to keep her eyes clear Her face didn't betray how old was she - on the contrary, Anna seemed to be a young girl in her late teens or early twenties, not a mature woman that has seen the world and became monarch of a small town. Her eyes were round and open, until she either got annoyed or angry. Her eyebrows were immaculatly plucked and her cheeks had a scarlet shine to them. Her lips were full and inviting, her nose slender. The hair always looked like a mess at first glance, but you could see that each strand was exactly where it needed to be His eyes sported creases all around, from countless hours spent drawing. His nose was large, and a goatee was the only hair found on his head. small, large eyes, perky nose
Height 182 181 177 169 172 140
Build Muscular Muscular Petite, lean Muscular/lean, vivacious Fat/Muscular Petite
Distinct markings Scars on his chest Scars everywhere scars all over her body, except her face; four tear tattoo None None None
Place of Birth The South The South Ugon Kieb Kieb Lent
Last known residence Bandit camp next to the Steppes Bandit camp next to the Steppes Kieb Kieb Kieb Chromium
Family Members None None Father Mother living in Ugon Mother works at the docks, father deceased Father and Mother, two sisters Tinor
Station Bandit Bandit Four tearer (freed) Madam of Kieb Freeman Freewoman
Quirks - actions cool as a cucumber rash to action loyal to a fault, trying to protect her honor, violent Throws tantrums leers at women none
Quirks - speech uses british slang uses british slang calls people names, shows disrespect None talks about clothes a lot overly nice
Achievements Killed the captain and took his place at 18 y None part of Anna's personal guard Accomplished mercenary, Madam Master Tailor none
Martial Arts Self trained Self trained Spear and twin swords Guerilla tactics, sieging, rapier Two handed sword none
Scholastic Arts None None None None Tailor none