
From The Steelshard Series
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Moonguard is a keep that stands next to Lake Azure and is where the Whispers are heard and the Prophets mercifully killed. The wind and rain at the lake are particullarly strong, which is why the Moonguard was already on its fourth iteration, always becoming smaller and more sturdy.

The whispers are held here, due to a supernatural epicenter of power that emanates from Lake Azure, which enhances the Prophet's vision of the future (and their pain).


The rain falls every night, starts as a drizzle then hammers the walls for hours on end, before receding in the dawn. The day is usually cloudy, big cumulus's racing across the sky and blocking the sun. Nothing grows except for small blades of grass.


The latest keep has a large square building at its center, walls with two towers surround the building. The keep is traditionally built overlooking a cliff, where the body of the Prophet falls after being stabbed and killed. The west tower has already collapsed and destroyed some of the inner walls. The keep's roof is beginning to leak. The interior is made out of interlocking wood, as metal rusted quickly because of the crazy weather. A small wooden shack leans to one of the sturdy walls and houess the kitches. A fenced yard is used to drill. The keep only houses a few constant guards, that are rotated every few months. Aran is the only one to remain there by choice.

Inside the keep, on the first floor, lies a room with a circular table and a chair in the middle for the Prophet. Underneath the chair is a trap door that drops the Prophet in Lake Azur after their death. Some leaders would plunge a sword in the Prophet's heart first, some would drop them before a sense of disgust would overwhelm them.

Previous keeps[edit]

  • Large castle, no walls, two garrisons of men to protect it. Destroyed twenty years after it was built due to being under constructed for the local weather
  • Large castle, walls to block the wind. Destroyed ten years after it was built, due to walls crashing on it
  • Small castle, wooden palisades. Destroyed after twenty five years, due to lightning setting the walls on fire, which destroyed the interior. The castle survived ten years more, but was abandoned at the time
  • Small stone keep, two small towers, slanted wooden walls with crenelations. One of the towers destroyed, otherwise sturdy after thirty six years

The Council of Listeners[edit]

The council is summoned every time a prophet is near death and consists of a Scholar, a Warrior and a tradesman. The head of the council is the Lord Listener.

Currently these are Renar Tamlow, Onick Stonehart and Kraya Wik.