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Tearers are slaves in Stakhlian, people who have lost their way or gone into debt. A tearer is identified by having one to four tears tattooed on their right forearm. It is a crime to purposely conceal the tattoo. There are four levels of tearers that currently exist.

  • One tear - people who are indebted, goes free after a maximum of 5 years. Don’t earn anything.
  • Two tears - born slaves, who successfully completed the Learning Camp. Never go free, but are treated well most of the time. Earn a stipend.
  • Three tears - Ordinary slaves with no particular skill. Never go free and earn a meager stipend. Not treaded well. Often used as bed slaves.
  • Four tears or dirt-diggers - People who have lost their freedom due to a crime or some other wrong doing and are given hard labour. Never go free and don’t earn anything. Often die within a few years after becoming a four tearer.

The first sentence you learn as a slave I feel well m’lord, like any other day under your protection. I have food to give me strength, a roof above my head and the Creator’s light within me.

Terms of Bondage[edit]

it is the rules that tearers must adhear to

  • One tear
  • two tear
  • three tear
    • cannot ride anywhere - has to walk
  • four tear

Traces (slave signs)[edit]

More discreet when negative emotions, more forward otherwise:

  • Avoid - Fist with slightly outstretched pointing finger
  • Danger - Fist, thumb placed inside
  • Hello - palm flat and forward
  • Compassion - Fist to heart
  • Safety - touch the back of your neck then grab wrist behind you
  • I'm sorry - brush your cheek with your fingers
  • proud - two fingers outstretched in front, palm down
  • anger - a fist held in the other hand
  • respect - slight touch to the forehead
  • friend - pull on any ear
  • Beauty - tap just beneath the eye
  • Fear - two fingers extended on the thigh
  • Where (are you going) - brushed her ear with her finger.
  • Peace - 4 fingers brushing the other hand

A tearer, who has earned his freedom can never cover up the spot, but may tattoo freely around it. Instead of dismissing the tear, the tearer receives a ring professing their freedom.

Sanctuary of Light and Knowledge[edit]

short: Sanctuary

It is where Paters train tearers to be knowledgable about various subjects. It is a harsh and unforgiving place.