An unknown shadow creeps across the world, devouring everything it touches, but praise the Creator, its advance stopped as humanity erected four Bastions of Humanity. But as time passed, the freemen of Stakhlian became content in their routine, distancing themselves from danger, most forgetting the stories of old, the dangers of the Grey Wall. They forgot that the Old Gods sundered the continent in half.

As Tinor studied in the comforts of his would-be Guardian’s estate, he is one of those that have forgotten, that have embraced oblivion. It is only when his sister disappeared in the dead of night, kidnapped by the man that gave him a home, that he is forced into a journey that takes him closer to his own destruction.

He arrives at Moonguard just in time to see his sister strapped in a sinister chair and it is here, where his fate collides with the three-tearer Amaris – a girl whose life shattered in a single night.


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The artwork for the book is non-official and is the work of Piero Macgowan. Make sure to visit his site and admire his many fine digital drawings.

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On the Shoulders of Giants is a fast paced young-adult fantasy novel, that talks about difficult life situations, such as losing your family and destruction of identity. The book would appeal to anyone who enjoys reading about characters who rebuild their lives, about powers and the coming of age trope.

There is no audible version yet, but keep your eyes (and ears) peeled. When it arrives, it'll make a giant splash on this website.

The book started with only one main character, but organically added another. The male protagonist's name is Tinor, a young man who lost his entire family and then himself.

Next we have Amaris, a tearer at the Sanctuary (think Library), who dared too much and got into trouble.

A page from the book

Carys’s eyes closed and her voice disappeared. Renar and Onick appeared to be screaming at Tinor but he couldn’t hear them. Their voices were distant and muted. It didn’t matter what they wanted. Carys was gone.

He turned back to Carys as she began screaming. What was happening, wasn’t she dead? He felt a jolt in his hand, then it felt like a fire burned in his veins. He clenched his jaw and kept holding onto Carys, despite the pain. No force on Jord could take him away from his sister for as long as she lives.

He looked at the tearer, who still held onto Carys’s other wrist. He became mad, enraged even, at the sight of someone else touching Carys at the moment of her death. He looked at the tearer and saw that she had the same brilliant blue eyes as Carys a few minutes ago. She was saying something, but her voice was drowned out by the sounds of drums.

She pointed to Tinor’s waist. No, not his waist, his Exshard dagger. Did she want her to slit her neck? A hunger Tinor never felt before agreed with him.

Tinor blinked a few times, shocked at his thoughts. The drums died down and the tearers voice became clear. “We need to end it. Can’t you see it? Her eyes! Her eyes are screaming!”

“Get out of bed, tearer!” the guard said, kicking the bed frame, “Your masters require you to serve or have the tears on your shoulder suddenly disappeared? Perhaps the Ko himself has come by with your writ of freedom and forgot to inform us.”

When Amaris didn’t rise, he said, “You disgust me. The Prophet is about to speak, yet you lie there like a sack of wolf shit, shivering in the wind. Renar should’ve never brought along somebody as low as a three-tearer. I heard Aran has a way with you. Perhaps I should call him closer…”

No! thought Amaris and screamed in her mind. Her eyes glazed over and she was back in the woods, a weight atop of her, the pain unbearable. Another kick from the guard brought her back. She was probably only gone for a few moments, but it felt much longer. She hardly slept these last few nights, the past visions waking her in a sweat and then denying her further sleep.

The guard grabbed Amaris’s hand and said, “I’m not kidding girl, I will clap you in irons and drag you by your hair. Move!”

Amaris shrieked and the guard let go of her hand. She hugged her knees and whispered to herself, I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I’m too weak. Please, Creator, help me. Help me…

Behind her, she heard the rattle of chains and the guard grunting. Her eyes glazed over again, and she was back in the woods. The pain was unbearable.