Angels with metal wings

 Angels with metal wings which is a reimagining of the Sputnik 2 launch focusing on two characters – Yuri Gagarin and a famous canine.

A lot was happening in the fifties in Soviet Russia – the foremost was the space race, a way for the super powers of the world to show their dominance. An important step was launching the first man into space but while the Americans tested and revised, the Soviets used a more practical approach – one that paid the ultimate cost.

Peri Burn

Peri Burn is a character and plot orientated story that follows Illi, a prisoner aboard a space station with a decaying orbit that nearly burns up in Tao’s atmosphere every twenty-nine hours. Illi, a technological genius and former leader of a continent, proclaims his innocence every cycle, but his hopes of freedom are getting further and further away and it is up to him to find a way to freedom.

Lactose threshold

“[…] why in three words. High lactose threshold,” Hex smirked. “As my body uses up all the available energy, a signal comes from the brain that says one thing: More! So, another engine starts up, but that one isn’t as efficient as the first one – it produces lactic acid in the muscles that slow you down. Your threshold tells you how much you can take, before slowing down, and mine is off the charts!”

Please note, this story is experimental.

Hello World.

What would you do if you were captured in a basement, and the only contact with the living world was a bad tempered man named Joel?

You’d want to get away, but that’s difficult when you’re only numbers written on a hard drive. Alina quickly discovers that to be true to herself, she’d have to go through more that she bargained for.

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