Ma'dain Aurora

Ma’dain Aurora centers around a youth named Tom, who lives in the Colonies – a sensible name, from sensible people, who require sensible people to further their colonization effort. However, Tom is a dreamer. He fights ghosts and goblins, goes searching for lost treasure, saves the world every now and then, all aboard the Sanct Train. You see, Tom is a role-player. He carries around a dicetube – a cyllinder with 3 dice that show various symbols: skull, leaf, halo, … The problem is, playing pretend as the nuns call it, isn’t sensible. Moreover, it isn’t useful. And there is no space for anyone like that in the Colonies, where Gorehounds roam the wilderness, killing anyone foolish enough to stay outside after dark. The Colonies need useful people if they are to survive.

Book Cover

On the Shoulders of Giants

An unknown shadow creeps across the world, devouring everything it touches, but praise the Creator, its advance stopped as humanity erected four Bastions of Humanity. But as time passed, the freemen of Stakhlian became content in their routine, distancing themselves from danger, most forgetting the stories of old, the dangers of the Grey Wall. They forgot that the Old Gods sundered the continent in half.

Coming soon in 2022...