
From The Steelshard Series
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A Prophet is a member of the Cursed Beloved, which is a group of people chosen by the Creator, who receive incredible amounts of power. When the Prophet is unable to contain his power, he or she dies, but not until they see a glimpse of the future.

People (except a select few scholars, Renar Tamlow included) fear the Prophets, due to their madness, and pay no attention to what they say.

The Prophet's are very few in numbers and often die young. All Prophets share one characteristic - blue eyes. This is also the reason why people fear people with blue eyes and generally shun them.

Source of a Prophet's Power[edit]

The Prophet gets his Power, when they're born with an a strong Aura vessel system and have a great affinity towards both Blue and Red. Blue Aura is inherently much more condensed power, so when a Redder uses a Blue Aura source, he or she immediately gains incredible amounts of power.

Prophets Power[edit]

The Prophets power is similar to that of a Redder or a Blue, with the following differences

  • Red Power: If the Prophet would use Red to enhance their muscles, the muscles would routinely bulge with power, then explode only to be healed moments later. This process can then repeat itself for days, often causing vast amounts of pain in the moments when the Red destroys the Prophet's Aura Vessels.
  • Blue Power: If the Prophet would chance to use their Blue (in the past, most Prophet's or other people for that matter, didn't even know Blue existed), their senses would increase exponentially, until they would go mad.


The Whispers is the last act of a Prophet. A few moments before death, the Prophet would utter a phrase or two, then die in a few massive spasms. The whispers have been collected, but never understood.

Known Whispers:

  • It flows here and there, it's all around me!
  • The deep beckons
  • The nature is dying. We must act!
  • Send me in the Veil after I'm dead. I'll come back with answers. - important because subsequent Prophets were all buried in Lake Azure as the current would take them in the Veil
  • We're not ready for what's to come! It's big, it's terrifying, and it's looking at me!
  • The wolf, the howler, the ancient one. Fear the deceivers.
  • A ship will carry him thrice, the fourth time he decides to help no more
  • To you, my cherished, my creature of light, I show the way to darkness
  • Howling devil, you won't get me!
  • The world is wrong. It should be one, but it's two. Why do you think that is?
  • I can see the Light. It's blinding brilliance is a lie!
  • I can't stand it anymore, it's driving me crazy, take it away, take it away!
  • I will stand guard, I will endure. This is what was laid upon me and this is my charge. The Darkness changes nothing.
  • It is so easy to get rid of the Grey Wall. I can see it now. You just walk inside, on the shoulder of giants. - Carys Strike

Prophet's Death[edit]

The difference between an ordinary Redder or Blue from a Prophet is that, the Prophet's affinity for Red and Blue is so great, it constantly generates power and is unable to use it. When the Aura build up is too high, the Prophet dies in a series of spasms.

Typical Prophet's life from birth to death:

  • Birth
  • Normal childhood (adulthood)
  • Sudden surge of power (Blue or Red)
  • One day after the initial surge, the Prophet begins to intermittently tremble (violently)
  • Periods of Madness/Incredible Pain
  • Six days later Prophecy
  • Death

The Passing of a Prophet[edit]

Most people stay clear away from the Prophet, when he discovers his power, but the Priests of the Creator are often present. They take care of the Prophet and ensures he makes it to Moonguard, where he may say his or hers prophecy. Before the Prophet's death, they tie white and scarlet bandages around the Prophet, which are laced with poppy seed. The bandages help, but are no match for every element of the body slowly rupturing in a cascading fashion.

The priests are never present for the prophecy, because of the the contents of the prophecy.

Nature of Prophecies[edit]

The Prophecies always talk about The Break and The Old Terrors, which is blasphemous to the current religion as it is regarded as mithology.