Tom Wilde

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Tom Wilde is a sixteen year youth. He has black, short hair, black eyebrows and a nose with a hump. He is thin, but not sickly, nor does he have much muscle mass. He usually wears trousers and long shirts (not tucked in). He prefers to walk slower, and almost never runs. He has weak stamina, but his determination kicks in when need be.


Tom Wilde is a nerd. But he is not a shut in, or an exact introvert. Rather, he wants to spend a lot of time with people, just not everyone. He picks his favorites, while the rest are just hidden in the crowd - he talks to them if he must. He is unrelenting when it comes to his campaigns, which unfortunately do take a bit longer due to him talking too much (and hogging the spotlight when he can).

He trusts his inner circle completely, but distrusts every situation that he isn't in control of, or that he knows the details. As soon as he is challenged, by virtually anything, he'll try to make a plan to out-think the person or situation. He does that usually by talking, or overtalking, and to be honest, it doesn't work all that often. He is a bit naive when it comes to thinking his way out, but his work ethic, determination pays off in the end. He often wished that he would figure things out faster, which would save him plenty of stress in the end.

Aboard the Sanct Train, he could only trust a few people - Kimberly and nun Yasmin being at the top of his inner circle. He talks about his issues and he trusts them implicitly that they will keep him happy and sane. As long as that inner circle survives and gives him his comfort zone, Tom is content. He can even become oblivious to his surroundings and not care about the trouble he could get himself in.

Tom is not the most lovable of persons - to the outside world that is. But as soon as people get to know him, they see his kindness and his resourcefulness. They enjoy staying with him because of his humor (although it isn't always funny), the adventures (to be honest, there aren't many people that can do make-believe, but to the ones that do, Tom is a GOD), the honesty. Tom makes up his mind relatively quickly and has a nose for the unknown, which he usually turns into something favorable, something enjoyable. His favorite place to spend time is the outside, literally anywhere away from people. Anywhere, where he can pretend to be a knight on a quest.

Tom's a cheerful guy, mostly in a good mood all the time. If he gets scared or needs to be pumped up (mentally), he narrates to himself, but he doesn't do that too often. But the crux of his sadness comes from the isolation he feels all around him (until he discovers Kimberly of course). Nun Yasmin is fine, but she is a teacher, and he is often forced to play pretend alone. That's why the other wards want nothing to do with him most of the time. They even stopped making fun of him most of the time, because he seemed pathetic. But when he discovered that his memories, his actions were a lie, the sadness duck down and hid. The question now is, if the memories are true or false (they're true of course).

Personal Motto

If it isn't true, fake it.


Tom is an orphan aboard the Sanct Train, but he is also a member of The Colonies, a ruthless area that leaves no fools alive. The nuns drilled into him basic engineering skills, basic survival skills, basic cooking skills (they have to cook aboard the Sanct Train). Tom had taught himself to be creative with words and fantasy and thus developed a keen mind that can get him out of sticky situations on about the third try.

Positive Traits

  • Determined
  • Resourceful
  • Loyal
  • Kind
  • Hardworking.

Negative Traits

  • Verbosity
  • Unwilling to share his feelings / secrets - he'd rather try to outwit his opponents
  • Physical weakness
  • Quick to judge


Tom's Wonder is Thinker.




- inner problem in conflict with external sit or behavior

story arc

1. What is the character’s story role? 13. What is the character’s primary story goal? 71. What about this character needs to change? 65. Under what circumstances does this character’s true nature reveal itself? 72. What does this character need to learn? 71. What about this character needs to change?


12. Describe/explain the character’s background 41. Describe this character’s childhood 42. Describe this character’s parents 43. How did this character’s parents treat him or her? 44. Who was the most important individual in this character’s early life?


39. Who in the story will serve as a foil to this character? 40. How / be specific?