Survival Manual

From Ma'dain Aurora
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Used also as blurbs at the start of chapters.

The Colonies

This is the book that provides practical advice to the residents, engineers, clergy, magistrates etc.

  1. The paradigm of survival can be boiled down to one fact: Do not stay outside after dark. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.1]
  2. If stranded during daytime, it is advised to look for the following in this exact order: water and railroad tracks. Failing either diminishes chances of survival greatly. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.6]
  3. A colonist should keep a small pocketknife on his person at all times. While it is not useful against the indigenous wildlife, it is useful when procuring food or when the colonist becomes prey. For quickest results it is advised to cut the jugular in one quick cut. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.67]
  4. The colonists are the peak of human civilization on Dachaigh. It is the job of youths to learn as much as they can during their spring, so they can become useful members of society. The useless are not needed. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.2]
  5. Nocta berries are the prime source of food while exploring the wilderness. However, the juice from the berries is high in sodium so all colonists should drink plenty of water after ingestion to prevent dehydration. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.32]
  6. Faith in yourself is important; faith in God is paramount. If lost, pray to Him and He will deliver salvation. Either by train or by blood. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.98]
  7. Keeping our youths on the trains all day is unwise, as God has made this earth for us to share. The proper time for any excursion is between ten and two. Survival cannot be guaranteed if the youths are not aboard their train outside the recommended hours. [Surviving in the Colonies pg. 47]
  8. The stations are not safe during the night. [Surviving in the Colonies pg. 8]
  9. The Magistrates and Medina are infallible. Trust them with your life. [Surviving in the Colonies pg. 20]
  10. While traversing through the wilderness, the moon is your guide west. God has made it a permanent fixture on our sky, visible during the day and night [Surviving in the Colonies pg.205]
  11. Gorehounds are not the only predators on Dachaigh. A colonist must be vary of a multitude of dangers, even those posed by flora. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.55]
  12. Travelling in packs of two or three is advisable for a scouting party. The most experienced colonist should always note the position of their train. [Surviving in the Colonies pg.81]