Rien Loidsig

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Rien is skinny, with brown hair and brown eyes. His nose is thin, his lips also. He is old enough for facial hair, but only around the chin and under it, so he styles it with a small braid. He wears baggy clothes to hide his skinniness and lack of strength. He is taller than Tom. Across his neck is an old scar, deep and jagged, a remnant of an old injury that he does not remember.


Rien is someone that wants to be the best version of himself as possible, and he wants to do that in the confines of what is allowed. He sticks to the rules, does what he's told, from every source of authority. He ventures outside of the 'allowed' in tiny bursts, but only when he is with people that he trusts. He wishes he'd be stronger, but his genetics isn't in favor. It isn't until he gets his Wonder, that he truly begins his transformation into someone more confident and willing to do more.

When Rien is opposed, he would submit to the authority, he would not oppose. If he were robbed, he'd hand over the money and sweat about it for days, if a teacher would scold him, he'd study more. If Tom would reject him, he'd blame himself. That's why it is all that more important for Rien to break these shackles that he had imposed on himself and show the world that he is more than some weakling.

Rien doesn't want to disappoint... anyone. That is one of his weakness and what is preventing him from true growth.

Personal Motto

Hard work speaks for itself.


Rien has an eye for detail and reads a lot. He understands legalities and formalities quicker than most, and can decipher them. Despite his wish to be someone stronger, he wishes to be a scholar, someone that could study and change the world for the better.

Positive Traits

  • Loyal
  • Dutiful
  • Well-mannered
  • Dependable
  • Steady

Negative Traits

  • Non-adventurous
  • Fearful
  • Weak nerves
  • Sheltered


Rien is a Physik - Speed


Rien speaks in longer sentences and uses larger words, only when he is explaining something or trying to figure stuff out. He gets somewhat excited and then his sentences shorten. He uses longform only.


Rien was scarred by his near-death experience he had when he was younger. Due to his sheltered life, he wants to grow as a person, and realizes that he cannot do that, unless someone pulls him out of it - Tom. He also has little friends, so when he finds Tom, he wants to keep him as a friend.


Rien doesn't want to go beyond his boundaries, but he is pulled that way to help Tom and to grow.

Story arc

Primary goal: Rien helps Tom to find his memories / Kimberly Story role: Rien is Tom's sidekick Breaking point: Rien breaks when his sense of righteousness is stronger than what is required of him

  1. Rien meets Tom at The COOL
  2. Rien helps Tom get his admission fee, goes outside of normal
  3. Rien nearly drowns at the initiation ritual, but gets his powers
  4. Rien does illegal research
  5. Rien helps Tom to do his tasks, but only does what is allowed by his conscience. He helps with the search for memories instead
  6. Rien can't help Tom anymore, it's too much
  7. Rien finds a way to bring himself to help his friend
  8. Rien activates his power as they enter the tomb and he is the one that helps everyone cross
  9. Rien grows as a person


Rien Loidsig was brought up by two loving parents, who wanted the best of him. The Loidsig family is well-off, so Rien never had to want for much. At the age of four, Rien fell down a deep crevasse, where he cut his neck and he started bleeding. Thankfully, his mother was a Preserver (naturalist) and she froze his wound for enough time for the doctors to save him. This hasn't scarred Rien in any emotional sense, as he was too young to remember it. The only thing that was left was a fear of heights and small places, that his parents always told him where it came from.

So, Rien lived a sheltered life, where his parents would protect him from any and all danger and would allow only the safe and reliable. He lost his sense of adventure, of creativity and somewhat spirit, producing a blander child. But when he entered puberty, he began to test his boundaries. His change is also determined because, apart from his parents, he was alone in the world and he needed friends to grow. He became good at school and his parents were delighted when he a Wonder had signaled in the boy. He was then sent off to The COOL to hopefully get in and activate it.


Rien's foil is Tom.