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Kendra is very resourceful and she ''always'' gets what she wants. She is strong, due to her training and Wonder combination
Kendra is very resourceful and she ''always'' gets what she wants. She is strong, due to her training and Wonder combination. She uses her increased dexterity to do everything as effortlessly as possible and her Naturalist wonder to grow and assist where possible. She is very goal orientated and can manipulate and lie with the best of them. Her youthful and pleasant appearance is a weapon that she uses often to get what she wants from anyone. Until she reaches her goal, nothing is off the table.

===Positive Traits===
===Positive Traits===
*Physically adept

===Negative Traits===
===Negative Traits===
*Uncaring / unemotional


Revision as of 19:08, 5 February 2020


Kendra Wilde is seventy-four years old. She has long white hair, eyes green with a bit of yellow, and she is around 5'3". She is emancipated from her years of bed rest, but her skin retains her healthy glow. Her hands are well tended to, and apart from the few wrinkles, she looks younger than her age. She is almost always dressed in a white gown, which is standard for The Asylum.

Gaia's thirty-seven years old. She has brown hair and the same eyes as Kendra. But she is a little taller, coming in at 5'6", and is very lean. She always wears clothes that allow her to move and favors the color green. She has a tattoo of a Torch Ginger



7. List the character’s primary personality traits? 8. What personality tags or behavior demonstrate these traits? 10. How will these tags be shown to readers? 19. When opposed or thwarted by someone, how does this character typically react 20. Why should a reader like this character to want this character to succeed? 22. Describe this character’s belief system or personal code 27. Describe this character’s habitat or favorite surroundings 30. What skills does this character possess? 52. What are this character’s flaws? 55. What are this character’s secrets? 56. What hidden guilt does this character carry? 57. What inner sadness does this character conceal?

Personal Motto

Destination before journey.


Kendra is very resourceful and she always gets what she wants. She is strong, due to her training and Wonder combination. She uses her increased dexterity to do everything as effortlessly as possible and her Naturalist wonder to grow and assist where possible. She is very goal orientated and can manipulate and lie with the best of them. Her youthful and pleasant appearance is a weapon that she uses often to get what she wants from anyone. Until she reaches her goal, nothing is off the table.

Positive Traits

  • Charming
  • Adaptive
  • Physically adept
  • Motivated
  • Smart

Negative Traits

  • Manipulative
  • Liar
  • Selfish
  • Exploitative
  • Uncaring / unemotional
  • Unemphatic


Kendra is a combination of Naturalist (Grower), Physik (Dexterity).




- inner problem in conflict with external sit or behavior

Story arc

1. What is the character’s story role? 13. What is the character’s primary story goal? 71. What about this character needs to change? 65. Under what circumstances does this character’s true nature reveal itself? 72. What does this character need to learn? 71. What about this character needs to change?


12. Describe/explain the character’s background 41. Describe this character’s childhood 42. Describe this character’s parents 43. How did this character’s parents treat him or her? 44. Who was the most important individual in this character’s early life?


39. Who in the story will serve as a foil to this character? 40. How / be specific?