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Gaia's thirty-seven years old. She has brown hair and the same eyes as Kendra. But she is a little taller, coming in at 5'6", and is very lean. She always wears clothes that allow her to move and favors the color green. She has a tattoo of a [https://www.google.com/search?q=Torch+Ginger&sxsrf=ACYBGNTznCvU4gbkrfFVbMjZWQ5Vg3F5_Q:1580929217812&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8h8WjjLvnAhXklosKHWebB5QQ_AUoAXoECBIQAw&biw=1920&bih=937 Torch Ginger]
Gaia's thirty-seven years old. She has brown hair and the same eyes as Kendra. But she is a little taller, coming in at 5'6", and is very lean. She always wears clothes that allow her to move and favors the color green. She has a tattoo of a [https://www.google.com/search?q=Torch+Ginger&sxsrf=ACYBGNTznCvU4gbkrfFVbMjZWQ5Vg3F5_Q:1580929217812&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8h8WjjLvnAhXklosKHWebB5QQ_AUoAXoECBIQAw&biw=1920&bih=937 Torch Ginger]
Her left hand was bare, just like Anna’s, her tattoo that of a Torch Ginger. The large stem coiled around her forearm, thorns growing everywhere, ending up in the large blossom – larger red petals, with a central group of smaller flowers in the middle.

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===Personal Motto===
===Personal Motto===
Destination before journey.
Destination before journey.
===Gaia's double life in Ma'dain and Dachaigh===
We didn’t know what would happen if we left half of you here, send the other half across the sky to Ma’dain. But we did it anyway. Or rather, I did, after you showed me the text you found in that old tome.”


Latest revision as of 19:59, 11 January 2021


Kendra Wilde is seventy-four years old. She has long white hair, eyes green with a bit of yellow, and she is around 5'3". She is emancipated from her years of bed rest, but her skin retains her healthy glow. Her hands are well tended to, and apart from the few wrinkles, she looks younger than her age. She is almost always dressed in a white gown, which is standard for The Asylum.

Gaia's thirty-seven years old. She has brown hair and the same eyes as Kendra. But she is a little taller, coming in at 5'6", and is very lean. She always wears clothes that allow her to move and favors the color green. She has a tattoo of a Torch Ginger

Her left hand was bare, just like Anna’s, her tattoo that of a Torch Ginger. The large stem coiled around her forearm, thorns growing everywhere, ending up in the large blossom – larger red petals, with a central group of smaller flowers in the middle.


Kendra's positive traits are shown on how she can quickly evaluate a situation and make the best of it. She hides her true nature very well, and can produce an air of whatever emotion she needs to get the job done. She can inspire, seduce, vex, fight and do other things when she needs to. Her flexibility to fit into any situation she needs is her biggest skill. On the flip side, when she gets too relaxed, she says too much, which makes people doubt her. Those are the situations that she isn't the best at rectifying - most often, she simply goes away in a hurry, feigning some emergency or other. This will be shown primarily in her interaction with people, in the dialog or when others talk about her.

When she is opposed, openly and honestly, she puts up her guard and fights. While she rather talks, than engage in physical combat, she does that if she doesn't see any other outs. Every other situation she tries to talk her way out of it, or sends one of her underlings to do it for her. The latter is not as often, as she prefers being the active one, but anyone around her is a weapon that she can use.

Despite her shortcoming and villain-like behavior, Kendra has a sad story behind her of how she ended up like this. She never wants to relieve something like that, so she pushes people away, but ultimately, it was because of her past that she is shaped like this. Before, she was completely different and if it wasn't for this inner sadness, she would've been a good person.

Kendra created her own getaway in the forest, high above in the treetops which only she could reach. She enhanced the canopy, to act as a roof. A particularly leafy vine, grew all around her providing the walls. Then she enhanced the primary tree, which caused the branch she lives on to be particularly wide. She combined that with another nearby tree (guiding the branch to be parallel to the first), making a nice floor. In it, she lied a few stones so she can cook and have a fire, which is totally secluded from view. Her hideout is difficult to see, even when right next to it, the only giveaway are the unusual large trees that grow there.

Kendra's biggest secret is her actions in Ma'Dain. She is trying to steal the World Gem, so she can magic herself to be eternally young and stay in Ma'Dain forever.

Personal Motto[edit]

Destination before journey.

Gaia's double life in Ma'dain and Dachaigh[edit]

We didn’t know what would happen if we left half of you here, send the other half across the sky to Ma’dain. But we did it anyway. Or rather, I did, after you showed me the text you found in that old tome.”


Kendra is very resourceful and she always gets what she wants. She is strong, due to her training and Wonder combination. She uses her increased dexterity to do everything as effortlessly as possible and her Naturalist wonder to grow and assist where possible. She is very goal orientated and can manipulate and lie with the best of them. Her youthful and pleasant appearance is a weapon that she uses often to get what she wants from anyone. Until she reaches her goal, nothing is off the table.

Positive Traits[edit]

  • Charming
  • Adaptive
  • Physically adept
  • Motivated
  • Smart

Negative Traits[edit]

  • Manipulative
  • Liar
  • Selfish
  • Exploitative
  • Uncaring / unemotional
  • Unemphatic
  • Unsociable


Kendra is a combination of Naturalist (Grower), Physik (Dexterity).


Kendra speaks condescendingly, patronizingly, toying with the other person. She always has some sort of agenda in about what she talks. She mocks and makes jokes when someone fucks up. She doesn't tolerate confrontation well, and then she becomes curt and dismissive. She clams up when it gets the worst and then you know it's about to get violent.


Kendra wants to remain in Ma'Dain, always young, always strong, always on the move.


Kendra recognized Tom right away, and though she ought to love him, she sees he's the best way to get what she wants. The same goes with all her band, who she ultimately betrays despite the fact that they were friends.

Story arc[edit]

Primary goal: Kendra wants to steal the world gem and take the power for herself, before its too late, as her mortal body withers

Story role: Gaia is the antagonist, pretending to be an ally

Breaking point: When her plans fail and she is forced to rely on someone else

  1. Gaia explores the Thinker's maze for the World Gem
  2. Gaia hedges her bets with Tom, steals his money, manipulates him to borrow
  3. Gaia tries to steal the World Gem, but fails. She realizes she would need the Thinker's cloak's power to do it (the maze can only be navigated through by a Thinker)
  4. Gaia pins her last hopes on Tom, puts the screws on him. She abuses the fact that Tom gets on with Anna Dia well, and she breaks her arm (hurts her) to engage sympathy in Tom
  5. Gaia betrays Tom
  6. Gaia betrays Sasha Airgid - The Moneylender
  7. Gaia has to go grovelling back to Tom in the real world (Dachaigh‏‎) to ask him for the name of the Cloak.
  8. Gaia has to reveal her plan and beg forgivness, Tom grants her that. She realizes that she acted wrongly
  9. Gaia disappears into the woods, aged, possibly dying, not to be seen again


Kendra Wilde was born to Odelia and Jansen Dochas, in the Archipelago of Hope. She spent her childhood there, enjoying and being carefree, although they didn't have much. Her parents were one of the ones forced to go to The Colonies. Aboard the sea voyage, they taught her various engineering skills, which at first she rejected. As she grew, she learned to accept her fate and got a job aboard an engineering train - there she met her husband Simon Wilde. She had only one child - Paul Wilde. They all lived happily aboard the engineering train, and their love deepened. Paul met Rose, and together they had Tom.

It was then, a year after Tom's birth, that Simon died tragically. The train coupling had a fault, that would strand half of the train without propulsion at night - the time of the Gorehounds. Simon went heroically there, and to make the repair, the train had to slow down. He began immediately. He lit his torch and began hammering strengthening clasps around the coupling, intent on welding the two trains together. That would mean that the train could only go 3/4 as fast, but it should be enough to get through the night. As the train crawled slowly for the repairs to begin, Simon welded, while Kendra helped him with tools and anything else he needed. At his moment of glory, they heard a screech. Simon yelled to speed up, but the Gorehound was already there, snatching Simon away. Kendra yelled and gripped at her husband, but the Gorehound was too powerful. A claw raked through Simon's shoulder, severing body and arm.

Kendra collapsed and fell into a coma. She was transferred to the Asylum shortly after. As Gaia, she was a troublemaker, making a name for herself to do anything that involved adventure, but lately she has something on her mind. Something that makes her unapproachable, difficult to deal with.


Anna Dia. While both are 'the bad guys', Anna is kinder, nicer, non-manipulative.